Body Wash
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Body Wash",<br />"description":"Regular body wash products can be full of synthetic detergents, preservatives and fragrances, which could upset the balance of your skin. Love your body naturally with a delicate cleansing body wash, created without chemicals to make your showering experience a delight to the senses.</p>
<p>Natural body care is now easy with our choice of body wash products, formulated to invigorate and revive your skin.",</p>
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<p>Natural body wash formulas are made with nourishing ingredients, which are mild but effective and may look after your skin by hydrating and freshening. For those with sensitive skin or prone to allergies there is a chemical-free body wash alternative. A natural body wash could also be perfect for your baby’s and children’s skin, as they are gentle and less likely to cause irritations.</p>
<p>You could also complement your personal care routine with a softening <a href="">body oil</a> that locks moisture in and best applied straight after your shower.</p>
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