Evening Primrose Oil
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Evening Primrose Oil",<br />"description":"Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a yellow wildflower native to North America. Oil extracted from the seeds of Evening Primrose is a rich source of fatty acids, including some Omega 6 linoleic acid and high concentrations of gamma linolenic acid (GLA).",</p>
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<p>Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a yellow wildflower native to North America. The root and leaf were traditionally used by Native Americans as both food and medicine. Oil extracted from the seeds of Evening Primrose is a rich source of fatty acids, including some Omega 6 linoleic acid and high concentrations of gamma linolenic acid (GLA).</p>
<h3>Evening Primrose Oil Benefits</h3>
<p>All of the following conditions may benefit from supplementation with Evening Primrose Oil. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, consult a health professional before using EPO or any health supplement.</p>
<li>Heart disease, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, obesity, asthma, diabetes and related nerve damage.</li>
<li>Inflammatory and auto-immune conditions such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodermatitis, lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS), scleroderma, alopecia, psoriasis, allergies and chronic fatigue syndrome.</li>
<li>Other degenerative diseases including breast cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, alcoholism, schizophrenia and osteoporosis.</li>
<li>Women’s health issues such as PMS, preconception, preeclampsia, breast pain (mastalgia), fibrocystic breast disease, endometriosis and menopausal symptoms, e.g. hot flushes.</li>
<li>Gastrointestinal disorders including ulcerative colitis, IBS and peptic ulcers.</li>
<li>Skin disorders including eczema, acne and hives.</li>
<li>Learning and behavioural disorders including dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD.</li>
<li>Depression and tremors from lithium use in bipolar disorder.</li>
<li>Connective tissue disorders e.g. Raynaud’s syndrome, Sjogren’s syndrome.</li>
<li>Whooping cough.</li>
<li>Male infertility and male pattern baldness.</li>
<p> </p>
<h3>Evening Primrose Oil Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<li>Within the recommended dosage range EPO is a safe supplement with very few adverse effects reported.</li>
<li>Nausea, stomach pain and headache can occur if taken on an empty stomach and diarrhoea may occur at high dosages, indicating the need to reduce intake.</li>
<li>Contraindicated for anyone with epilepsy because GLA increases the body’s prostaglandin levels, lowering the threshold for seizures.</li>
<li>Contraindicated for anyone taking blood thinning drugs such as warfarin or aspirin due to the anti-clotting action of prostaglandins.</li>
<li>If you take any type of medical drug it’s important to consult your health practitioner about possible drug interactions before supplementing with EPO.</li>
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