Anicura Cat Gel Ointment is designed to soothe and calm dry, angry-looking skin. The strong combination of key ingredients sea buckthorn and apple cider vinegar will deeply moisturise the skin. Both ingredients also calm and soothe skin, whilst providing nourishment and leaving the skin feeling and looking healthy.
The gel is safe if ingested, so if your cat does try to lick it after you apply, don't worry! However, we do want the gel to have time to work, so Anicura recommends the following distraction techniques: Feeding your cat as soon as you have applied the gel. Playing with your cat straight after application.
The gel can be used on broken skin and is great at helping small wounds heal. So, if your cat has scratched her or himself and has a sore, give the gel a try.
Forms a soft layer over the skin to provide deep nourishment. Contains apple cider vinegar to maintain healthy skin.
Omega-rich formula for calming and soothing of the skin. Easy application for more sensitive areas like the face wrinkles and paws.