<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Moringa Powder, Capsules & Supplements",</p>
<p>"description":"Moringa leaf has a wealth of nutrients. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protein, Moringa is the superfood that has it all. What’s more, it contains wholefood nutrients in their naturally occurring form, which makes them easy for our bodies to recognise, absorb and use.",</p>
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<p>"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>The dried leaves of the Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) tree offer a vast number of nutrients useful for our health. Moringa’s benefits lie in the fact that it’s rich in plant nutrients, antioxidants, and amino acids, plus a mighty array of vitamins and minerals.</p>
<p>It contains at least 18 plant derived amino acids, making it one of the highest vegetarian sources of protein available, while its high fibre content supports the body's balance of gut flora and digestive health.</p>
<p>Moringa powder has impressive nutrient stats:</p>
<li>Iron - 6 times more than spinach</li>
<li>Calcium - 16 times more than milk</li>
<li>Potassium - 3 times more than bananas</li>
<li>Vitamin A - 18 times more than carrots</li>
<li>Vitamin E - 4 times more than almonds</li>
<li>Protein - the same amount as chicken breast</li>
<p>*Gram per gram based on dry leaf weight</p>
<p>It’s no wonder Moringa proudly boasts superfood status!</p>
<p>The plant is also fast-growing and capable of growing in arid conditions, which makes it valuable as a sustainable, wholefood supplement.</p>
<p>The powdered dried leaf is green, and the taste is similar to green tea or barley grass powder.</p>
<p>Moringa supplements come in either capsules or powder and can be added to smoothies or bliss balls, sprinkle it on top of your avocado toast or simply add it to your fruit and vegetable juice as a nutrient rich boost.</p>
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