
Lucy Butler

Wellness Blog

Lucy Butler

Lucy Butler

Values Lead


Lucy Butler is Values Lead at HealthPost. HealthPost was founded 35 years ago by Lucy’s mother, Linley, to help people live naturally healthy lives. Lucy strives to continue this legacy as a committed enthusiast of natural products, sustainable living, and holistically better business.

She is a trustee of the HealthPost Nature Trust, which works to regenerate biodiversity in Mohua Golden Bay. Lucy is proud to help HealthPost deliver on its mission to have a lasting positive impact on people and planet.

Meet the rest of the expert panel
What are your daily non-negotiables to feel calm and balanced?  
  • Journalling is a something I’ve done more-or-less daily for 25 years. It helps me access a wiser, kinder and more expansive part of myself. It’s a beautiful way of keeping myself company when I travel, too.

  • Walking. It’s such a simple, accessible thing and the day is always better when I get a walk in at some stage. I love walking city streets, local beaches, up the hill behind our house; it doesn’t matter where, walking is the most reliable way to recalibrate for me.

  • Cuddling up on the couch with my partner with a reishi cacao. I add different adaptogens, mushroom extracts and spices to this evening brew depending on what I feel we need at the time. We really look forward to this nourishing half hour at the end of the day, resting and reconnecting.
If you had to pick just one supplement to take every day, what would it be?  
What a thought! It would have to be Superfeast Reishi. It feels like the ultimate balancing, nourishing tonic for my holistic wellbeing.
What are your favourite rituals to keep your family nourished?  
  • I’m always looking for ways to boost nutrition in our meals – adding kelp powder to stews, pasta sauces or even baked beans. I add a handful of finely chopped herbs to pretty much any savoury dish I make. Bee pollen and hemp hearts go on porridge or sweet dishes. We eat a lot from the garden and I get the kids as involved as possible in the planting and harvesting. They eat way better when they pick it themselves. Getting out on the lawn or to the beach barefoot every day is a great grounding for us after school or work, even in winter.

  • We have a ‘mindfulness’ bell that we ring when stress levels are rising. Most often the kids ring it to remind me to come back to the level. Sometimes it works! We all sit and eat together every night. It’s the one time we reliably come together and it’s important to us all. We often give each other short massages at the end of the day which feels really calming to the nervous system. I’ve been doing it for the kids for years and these days they are wonderful at reciprocating and take pride in having ‘the magic touch’.

  • And finally, scheduling lots of ‘downtime’. I’m trying to remember for myself, and teach the kids, that it’s fine to politely decline an invitation and prioritise some quiet time at home. We all need plenty of that in our household, and some of our most creative and playful times happen spontaneously when we have nothing planned.

I can support you with...

Lucy's top picks

Wellness favourites to make your healthy choices easier.

Product 4



"I've been adding this adaptogen mushroom powder to cacao drinks for years. We have a reishi cacao as a wind-down ritual at the end of the day and I find it supports peace and connection."

Product 4


Certified Organic Argan Oil - Cold Pressed

"This is oil is a gem. Sourced from a women's collective in Morocco, I love the simplicity and versatility of this high-quality skin and hair oil."


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