
Algae supplements – the next big (sustainable) thing for healthy aging?

are algae supplements the next big thing for healthy aging?

From joint and skin aging to heart and gut support, algae are packed full of natural vitamins, minerals and special antioxidants. Want to look after the health of your body and the planet? Algae supplements are a win-win.

With naturally occurring nutrients - your body is adapted to recognise and absorb them easily. Algae are a fast-growing, renewable resource. This naturopath guide matches the best algae supplements with your specific health needs. Ready to get into it? Let’s breakdown the why, and some bestsellers to introduce to your day.

  • Why take an algae supplement?
  • What makes algae more sustainable?
  • For overall healthy aging: Lifestream Vegan Omega-3
  • For vibrant skin aging: BioBalance Astaxanthin
  • For strong bones: XtendLife Bone Support
  • Nature’s multivitamin: BioBalance Certified Organic Spirulina Powder
  • To feed your microbiome: Pacific Harvest Irish Moss
  • For filling nutritional gaps: BioTrace CMD Concentrated Mineral Drops

  • Why take an algae supplement?

    Here’s 4 reasons why you should consider taking an algae supplement:

    • Nutrient dense – vitamins, minerals, omegas and antioxidants
    • Easy to absorb – nutrients in their natural form
    • Healthy aging – support your joints, bones, skin, and gut
    • Sustainable – renewable resource

    What makes algae more sustainable?

    Algae need less water to grow compared to land plants. They need less space to grow, which means less land clearing. They’re very fast growing, which means they’re easily renewable and sustainable. And, you don’t have to compromise on quality and efficacy with algae oil, so it’s a win-win. More on that below.

    Naturopath top picks

    Chosen for their quality and purity of ingredients, let’s explore our top healthy aging supplements made from natural algae.

    Algae omega-3 for overall healthy aging

    Algae oil yields the highest amounts of EPA and DHA of any vegan omega. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the goodies in omega-3 shown to support health. Also, interestingly fish feed on algae – that why fish have lots of omega-3. So, by taking algae omega-3, you’re getting it directly from the source.

    Omega-3 EPA & DHA benefits:

    • Joint health – both comfort and mobility
    • Healthy, happy mood – healthy production of happy brain chemicals
    • Mental focus – healthy brain cells firing properly
    • Heart heath –supports cholesterol and blood pressure balance

    EPA and DHA are ideal for health aging. The best strategy is to start early rather than waiting till an issue arises. Especially if you’ve got a genetic risk.

    Naturopath tip: In the past I’ve always favoured (sustainably sourced, heavy metal tested) omega fish oils over plant omegas. Mainly for the health benefits of EPA and DHA. Now that high EPA and DHA algae oils are available - I’m a huge convert. Your body’s getting EPA and DHA and you’re being kind to the planet.

    Lifestream Vegan Omega-3

    Lifestream Vegan Omega-3

    • Generous dose of naturally sourced EPA and DHA
    • Natural vegan vitamin D3
    • Positive reviews for ‘no fishy aftertaste’
    Shop Lifestream Vegan Omega-3 →

    Astaxanthin for vibrant skin aging

    Astaxanthin is a skin aging superstar. It’s a vibrant pink pigment, that works as a protective antioxidant. It comes from the algae  Haematococcus pluvialis. Interestingly, salmon and flamingos feed on these algae – it’s what makes them pink.

    Studies show that astaxanthin:

    • Supports skin elasticity and fine lines
    • Protects collagen from ‘photo-aging’ (aging caused by the sun’s UV rays)
    • Offers protection from oxidation – the everyday process that causes aging
    • Supports skin barrier function – balanced TEWL (trans epidermal water loss)
    • Helps support skin wound healing

    Great for overall healthy aging and youthfulness. Research shows it crosses the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) – a selective gateway that stops things reaching the brain. This is a big deal. Meaning, it shows promise for healthy brain aging too. It’s popular with athletes who use it to support stamina, endurance and muscle recovery after workouts.

    Packed with benefits for skin aging, brain aging and physical endurance – algae is ideal if you’re looking to support all-round vitality.

    Naturopath tip: To get the best out of your astaxanthin, take it in a lipid or oil base, to optimise absorption (like in the BioBalance Astaxanthin below.) Or take it with a meal that’s rich in healthy fats. For the first month take an intensive dose of 3 softgels daily then drop to maintenance dose of 1 per day.

    BioBalance Astaxanthin

    BioBalance Astaxanthin

    • Natural astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis algae
    • Researched to support healthy skin aging
    • With a generous 10 mg dose of skin loving vitamin E
    Shop BioBalance Astaxanthin →

    Algae calcium for strong bones

    Calcium is a mineral to watch as we age. As estrogen declines with menopause, bone density naturally declines. So, getting enough calcium is essential. Studies suggest that calcium from red Algae (Lithothamnium species) is easier for the body to absorb and use than synthetic calcium supplements.

    Naturopath tip: Using your muscles promotes bone density. No need to start pumping iron though– walking upstairs, yoga, doing some squats and push ups here and there. All of these improve bone mineralisation – for strong bones and reduced risk of fracture.

    XtendLife Bone Support

    XtendLife Bone Support

    • Support long term bone strength
    • Algae sourced natural calcium
    • With magnesium, Vitamin D and K – which aid calcium absorption
    Shop XtendLife Bone Support →

    Spirulina – nature's multivitamin

    What’s so great about Spirulina you say? 3 words: High. Nutritional. Value.

    I think of spirulina as ‘nature’s multivitamin’. This blue-green algae yields vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, prebiotics and plant protein. The nutrients are in natural food form that your body can easily use. With B complex vitamins for energy, Vitamin K for bones, and Vitamin E for skin. And packed with essential minerals for everyday vitality – like Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc. It’s also full of prebiotic fibre to nourish your microbiome, so it’s great for your gut too. Plus, being a sustainable option is a total bonus.

    BioBalance Certified Organic Spirulina Powder

    BioBalance Certified Organic Spirulina Powder

    • Packed full of natural nutrients – easy to absorb
    • Purified and certified organic
    • Offers 15mg of Magnesium per serve

    You’ll notice this is the second BioBalance product in the list. This brand has an emphasis on naturally derived and sustainably sourced products. We love that.

    Shop BioBalance Certified Organic Spirulina Powder →

    Sea moss for feeding your healthy microbiome

    It’s got gut-loving prebiotics to help your microbiome flourish. Use it as a natural tonic for gut wellness. It offers holistic support for an irritable gut, bloating or irregular bowel function too. It contains mucilage, which soothes your gut lining, and supports nutrient absorption.

    It’s full of antioxidants too – great for healthy skin aging. It’s a seaweed, which is technically a type of algae. It’s my natural gut-loving gift from the sea. Thanks ocean.

    Naturopath tip: It’s best to rehydrate sea moss to get the most out of the prebiotics and antioxidants. Soak in lukewarm water for a couple of hours and then blend it up - it will turn a pretty purple colour. Once you’ve rehydrated a batch, keep it in the fridge for up to a week. It can also be used as a vegan gelatine alternative. Alternatively, try it in a broth or smoothie. Or mix in a little water with blackcurrant powder for a gut and skin health shot (I find it’s best to mix it with another flavour).

    Pacific Harvest Irish Moss

    Pacific Harvest Irish Moss

    • Certified organic – grown in France and Ireland
    • 50% dietary fiber – your gut loving prebiotics
    Shop Pacific Harvest Irish Moss →

    Sea minerals for filling nutritional gaps

    Sea minerals come from... you guessed it – seawater! Okay so it’s not technically algae, but they’re naturally derived from the sea and are sustainably sourced. Algae also get a lot of their nutrients from sea minerals, so they definitely deserve an honourable mention here.

    Why take a multimineral?

    Here’s a lesser-known fact – while multivitamins offer essential vitamins, they do tend to be lower in minerals. That’s why a multimineral is worth considering. Also, as a naturopath I think multimineral supplements are underrated – so I took the chance to slip them in here. With mineral depletion in soils a trace multimineral is a great way to help fill nutritional gaps. They’re essential for overall health, so it’s important to maintain them. With age we tend to absorb less nutrients via our gut, so they’re an ideal option for healthy aging. Trace doses mean you don’t get too much either.

    BioTrace CMD Concentrated Mineral Drops

    BioTrace CMD Concentrated Mineral Drops

    • Up to 72 natural minerals
    • Balanced mineral ratios - close to healthy human plasma
    • High in magnesium, with less sodium
    Shop BioTrace CMD Concentrated Mineral Drops →

    Algae supplements are increasing in popularity, they’re full of health supporting nutrients. They offer natural forms of nutrients that are easily absorbed, and the environmental benefits are the icing on the (healthy) cake.

    Shop plant-based algae supplements →

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