
Effective, quality skincare that protects skin, and welcomes a healthy glow? Whether you’re after a brightening hero – or you’re all about nourishing botanicals rich in antioxidants, let’s meet Tailor Skincare's Gold Dust - with five things you need to know to get the best results from this incredible favourite.

1. It’s made with just two ingredients

Gold Dust is made by pairing ascorbic acid with CoQ10, a cellular energiser and antioxidant, which also gives Gold Dust its stunning gold colour. These two ingredients work synergistically to support youthful, bright skin. Both are sourced by fermenting non-GMO corn.

2. It needs to be mixed with water

Ascorbic acid is activated by water, so Gold Dust needs to be mixed with a water-based product like Tailor Renew or Moisture. By mixing with an oil or oil-based product, the efficacy is reduced, so be sure to apply them after your Gold Dust mixture.

3. It should be tailored to your skin

Gold Dust is highly active, so it’s important to be guided by your skin when deciding how much to use, especially if you have sensitive or dry skin. Start with a small amount, see how your skin responds and increase the amount if needed.

4. It should be used at night

Your body works to repair and rejuvenate skin overnight, so this is the perfect time to apply your Gold Dust to help replenish vitamin C reserves that have been taken from UV light during the day.

5. It needs to be used intermittently

Did you know? Your skin can get used to vitamin C - almost like building up your immune system. Because of this, giving your skin a break in between use is key. To get the most out of your Gold Dust, aim to try it out nightly for one to two weeks, followed by one to three weeks break. 

How to use Gold Dust

Start your routine by cleansing (learn about the importance of cleansing here) and then apply your Gold Dust mixture. If you’ve chosen to mix with a water-based serum, follow up with your moisturiserfacial oils and eye creams

You may find your Gold Dust mixture is a little gritty, but don’t worry, this is normal. The finer crystals will dissolve immediately, and the larger will work their magic overnight.

Shop Tailor Skincare Gold Dust →

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