
To celebrate 35 years of HealthPost we want to celebrate you – our community of customers. 

Let’s hear from long-standing customer Denise, who shares her natural health story.

1. Tell us a little about yourself and your wellness journey?

I’m 75 years of age, a busy mother of three grown up children & are blessed to have 19 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.  I enjoy gardening and am blessed to have an organic garden to work in. Plus, over the years have been involved in many community projects to help others.

But over the past six+ years, I’ve had some potentially serious health challenges mainly with my heart and an injury in my lower back.

Through research (and prayer) I found out about certain supplements that could help my health and was delighted to discover that HealthPost stocked them. In addition, I do also need to take two heart meds prescribed by the Health Professionals.

2. How long have you been shopping at HealthPost, and what keeps you coming back?

It must be 10 plus years. I am very happy with the ‘good products’ HealthPost stock, very good prices, great service and helpful staff.

3. Have a healthy living hack or wellness lesson to share with our community?

Eat food that is good for you – i.e. high in nutrition, as unrefined and natural as possible - whole grains, fuits and veggies that are organic if possible. Take supplements as needed or you know you are lacking in, and that contain few chemicals and additives. It is reassuring to know HealthPost only stock the ‘good stuff’.

Looking for more inspiration on your wellness journey? Discover healthy, holistic tips shared by our community of customers, Naturopaths, and healthy living ambassadors.

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