
Lucy’s go-to herbs & seasonal rituals for a spring cleanse

Lucy’s go-to herbs & seasonal rituals for a spring cleanse

Spring is a time when my energy fluctuates a lot, as great bursts of enthusiasm can lead to overdoing and getting a bit frazzled. For that reason, a gentle daily detox works better for me in this busy season than the ‘quit-everything’ two-week cleanse, though I know a full reset has its place!

There are a bunch of herbaceous habits and supportive products that I use most days to alkalise, keep my energy levels steady, and assist my body’s natural processes of detoxification.

Here are a few favourites:

Homemade pesto

We make pesto year-round using whatever greens (including weeds) and flowers are popping up in the garden. Early spring additions include coriander, chickweed, nasturtium leaves, calendula, rocket and parsley.

We use nutritional yeast instead of parmesan to keep it dairy-free and it’s amazing how palatable these strong greens can be in the right balance. We get so many extra nutritious, cleansing herbs into our diet this way, so don’t wait for basil season – get creative!

Green smoothies

Green smoothies after school with pea protein, fresh spinach, frozen blueberries, banana, barely grass and spirulina are a great way to get spring goodness into the kids, especially.

Converging on home at 3pm we can all be a bit dehydrated, hungry and cranky. This smoothie ticks all the boxes, and the extra protein helps get us through till dinner time (most days) without cracking a bag of potato chips.

Herbal teas

I don’t drink as much cold water in the cooler months, and here in Golden Bay, spring is often still wet and cool. To stay hydrated I almost always have a herbal tea on the go, in a giant mug or travel flask.

This is one of the easiest ways to up my intake of detoxifying, cleansing and calming herbs. I often combine a few leaves of fresh kawa kawa, mint, tulsi or lemon balm with a tea bag or loose tea.

My favourite spring cleanse products, by our Mindful Brands:

artemis Detox Duo

artemis Detox Duo

I’ve been drinking artemis teas for years and they are always effective and high quality. The Liver Detox tea tastes a little bitter but now I know when I need it because I actually crave the flavour. Overall, this duo makes me feel more balanced and energised.

Shop artemis Detox Duo →

Nature’s Sunshine Liquid Chlorophyll

Nature’s Sunshine Liquid Chlorophyll

I recently rediscovered chlorophyll and now it’s a regular in the fridge. I take a sip a couple of times a day or when I feel like I need to alkalise – if I’ve had a coffee or processed food, for instance. This Nature’s Sunshine Chlorophyll is minty and delicious, it’s great mixed with sparkling water. It’s a real palate cleanser and leaves my mouth feeling fresh.

Shop Nature’s Sunshine Liquid Chlorophyll →

Organic India Tulsi Cleanse Tea

Organic India Tulsi Cleanse Tea

I like to let this tea brew for a good 10 minutes, and it packs a punch – the flavour is intense. I go for this if I feel like I’m coming down with something and it really seems to make a difference. It helps my digestion and I love it when I’m travelling to cut that sluggish feeling.

Shop Organic India Tulsi Cleanse Tea →

BioBalance Certified Organic – Barley Grass Powder

BioBalance Certified Organic – Barley Grass Powder

This organic, NZ-grown barley grass just feels so good for me. I love that it is one single powerhouse plant - full of minerals, fibre and naturally alkalising and detoxifying. I take it year-round but especially appreciate it in spring for maintaining healthy energy levels. I often add it to smoothies, but it tastes fine just in water.

Shop BioBalance Certified Organic – Barley Grass Powder →

Me Today Liver Detox Complex

Me Today Liver Detox Complex

I’m new to the Me Today brand and really enjoying their simple, potent formulas. I take their Ashwagandha and their Sleep Tight formulas daily, and I’ve just added the Liver Detox Complex. I don’t take milk thistle all the time but get a bottle now and again as an extra tune-up for my liver.

Shop Me Today Liver Detox Complex →

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