Eco-Friendly Accessories
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Eco-Friendly Accessories",<br />"description":"Eco-friendly accessories to support your sustainable journey. From stainless steel utensils to plastic-free dish brushes and fermentation jar kits, our range makes it easy to make planet friendly choices. Featuring mindful materials like bamboo and stainless steel, we think you’ll love this range as much as we do.",<br />"image":"",<br />"tablet_image":"",<br />"mobile_image":"",<br />"show_overlay":true,<br />"show_button": true,<br />"hide_section": false<br />},<br />"shop_now_section":{<br />"hide_section": true,<br />"items":[<br />{<br />"type":"",<br />"image":"",<br />"title":"",<br />"description":"",<br />"button":{<br />"label":"SHOP NOW",<br />"url":"",<br />"new_window": false</p>
<p>}<br />}<br />]<br />},<br />"learn_more_description":{<br />"hide_section":false,<br />"title":"<span class="TextRun SCXW266064391 BCX8" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW266064391 BCX8">Mindful materials</span></span>",<br />"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>Being 100% biodegradable, bamboo can be easily regenerated and is considered one of the world’s most natural renewable resources. Stainless steel on the other hand is 100% recyclable and recognised for being one of the most sustainable and reusable materials on our planet. Prefer one over the other? No matter your preferences, we have a wide selection of options to back your choices. Did we mention our range of kitchen accessories offer easy-to-use sustainable options too?</p>
<p>Featuring other eco-friendly materials like sustainable timber and coconut fibre, we have a selection of innovative products here to support your ethical values.</p>
<h3>Options to support the journey</h3>
<p>Pair your favourite eco-friendly accessories with our growing <a href="">Eco-Kitchen</a> range. Featuring all your everyday kitchen essentials, stock up on items that are good for you and good for our planet. From <a href="">Eco-Cleaning</a> for day-to-day cleaning or stains and spills, to <a href="">Reusable Food Storage</a> for easy meal prep, and <a href="">Reusable Shopping Bags</a> to make produce picking easy, make your sustainable journey even easier with options that put our planet first.</p>
<p>What planet-friendly brands are you proud to back? We share the ones we love most in our blog:<a href="" target="_blank"> Planet Friendly Brands We’re Proud To Back</a> – and why they might just become your next favourite go-to brands too.</p>
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<p><br />},<br />"blog_section":{<br />"hide_section": false,<br />"title":"Wellness Blog",<br />"buttons":[<br />{<br />"label":"Visit Blog",<br />"url":"/blogs",<br />"new_window": false<br />},<br />{<br />"label":"Shop Now",<br />"url":"/",<br />"new_window": false<br />}<br />]<br />}<br />}</p>