Reusable Straws
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Reusable Straws",<br />"description":"Looking for reusable straws that are free from plastic and good for the environment? Whether you’re looking for straight, bent or smoothie straws, in short or long lengths, our range is suitable for adults and kids. Enjoy your morning smoothie or favourite drink with environmentally mindful options.",</p>
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<p>Like the sound of reusable smoothie straws that don’t get thrown out after single-use? Thankfully, our metal straws make it easy with completely reusable and durable options that are built to last.</p>
<p>Our reusable straws come in different sizes and widths so you can make the most out of your favourite drinks – enjoy a thick smoothie with an extra wide smoothie straw. From bamboo straws to stainless steel straws, pick and choose your favourites with this versatile and eco friendly range.</p>
<h3>The benefits</h3>
<p>Our straws include options that are:</p>
<li>Made from food grade, type 304 stainless steel</li>
<li>Easy to clean</li>
<h3>Other sustainable choices</h3>
<p>For more options to support the journey, you’re sure to love our growing <a href="">Eco-Kitchen</a> range. Featuring <a href="">Eco-Cleaning</a> products like household gloves and compostable dish cloths, to <a href="">Reusable Shopping Bags</a> for zero-waste solutions to plastic, we have a superb range of eco-friendly choices to back your values.</p>
<p>What brands are you proud to back? We share 7 of our favourite <a href="" target="_blank">Planet-Friendly Brands We’re Proud To Back</a>, and why they deserve a spot in your daily rituals.</p>
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