Peppermint Oil
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Peppermint Oil",<br />"description":"Peppermint Oil is famous not only for its pleasant fragrance, but also for its sweet flavour and cooling properties. Peppermint Oil can be used for clear airways and diluted on the skin for head and neck tension. It’s a popular ingredient in many toothpastes for a fresh and minty smile.",<br />"image":"",<br />"tablet_image":"",<br />"mobile_image":"",<br />"show_overlay":true,<br />"show_button": true,<br />"hide_section": false<br />},<br />"shop_now_section":{<br />"hide_section": true,<br />"items":[<br />{<br />"type":"",<br />"image":"",<br />"title":"",<br />"description":"",<br />"button":{<br />"label":"SHOP NOW",<br />"url":"",<br />"new_window": false</p>
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<p>Peppermint Oil is unique in that it contains a very high percentage of the phytochemical menthol, which has a wide variety of uses in healthcare and as a flavouring.</p>
<p>Menthol is both hot and sweet to the taste and gives a cooling sensation when inhaled or applied to the skin. So, it makes a great comforter to hot conditions of the skin and muscles. Peppermint Oil is one on our list of <a href="" target="_blank">Top 10 essential oils and their amazing uses.</a></p>
<h3>How to use Peppermint Oil</h3>
<p>When using essential oil on the skin including Peppermint Oil for the face, its best to dilute it with a <a href="">Carrier Oil</a> rather than apply them directly. They can be added as a deodoriser in cleaning products, or into <a href="">Diffusers & Vaporisers</a> to release the volatile oils into the atmosphere for fresh air at home or work.</p>
<h3>What is Peppermint Oil used for?</h3>
<li>Peppermint Oil can be massaged into the temples and neck to support head and neck tension.</li>
<li>Peppermint Oil has a cooling effect when applied to tired joints and muscles – add a few drops to a cream or carrier oil.</li>
<li>Peppermint oil for sunburn - you can use Peppermint Oil for mild sunburn; however, it is important to use sparingly and mixed with a cream (a carrier oil may be too warming for hot skin conditions).</li>
<li>For ills and chills and seasonal sniffles, support clear airways with Peppermint Oil. For easy steam inhalation with Peppermint Oil, add a few drops to a hot cup of water, and hold up to the nose and breathe in the steam.</li>
<li>Peppermint Oil is popular with people who experience travel queasiness, it can be applied to your wrist in a carrier oil.</li>
<li>Purify the air at home or at the office. See our extensive range of <a href="">Oils for Immune Health</a> to support the whole family.</li>
<h3>The best Peppermint Oil brands</h3>
<p>HealthPost carries a wide range of <a href="">Essential Oils</a>, essential oil blends, and accessories to enable you to make the most of these versatile and fragrant products.</p>
<p>Give your home a complete <a href="">Eco-Living</a> makeover with our planet friendly products for your bathroom, kitchen, laundry, and pets.</p>
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