Baby's Colic
"title":"Baby Colic Relief Drops",
"description":"Natural products that support baby’s colic by focussing on calming the digestive tract and supporting healthy digestion, as well as soothing baby’s nerves. There are many herbal and homeopathic colic formulas to choose from, including extracts like chamomile, homeopathic drops and powders, tissue salts, probiotics, and natural gripe water. ",</p>
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"title":"3 baby wellness tips every new parent wishes they knew.",
"description":"Caring for a newborn can be a challenging time. Here's 3 holistic health tips to support you and your little one.",
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"description":"From herbal support to massage oils, and white noise machines, support baby into a calm and restful sleep with our natural range.",
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"title":"Baby's Colic",
<p>Colic is when a baby cries and shows distress or discomfort for no apparent reason. It can happen for a few hours, usually in the evening, from about 6 weeks of age until 4 – 5 months old. While it can be challenging for caregivers, there are many tonics, drops, powders, and formulas especially formulated to settle baby with newborn colic.</p>
<p>Colic can often have something to do with the digestive tract, as passing wind, or a bowel movement can settle baby. If your baby is having a hard time settling and sleeping, then have a look at our <a href="">Baby’s Sleep</a> range. Or is your little one teething? See our <a href="">Baby’s Teething & Soothers</a> range.</p>
<h3>The Best Colic Support</h3>
<p>When food is the issue, it may be a sensitivity to something passed through the mother’s breast milk, or it can be an ingredient in a formula. Some common foods to look out for are cow milk and dairy products, sugar, onion, garlic, spices, and vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower. If baby is formula fed, talking with a professional about the best type of low-allergen formula is a good option.</p>
<h3>How to address Infant Colic</h3>
<p>It's believed that the immaturity of the baby’s digestive tract plays a part in colic with them either not tolerating food, or because sphincters haven’t developed fully and closed appropriately, causing discomfort. See our article <a href="" target="_blank">Gripe water relief for little tummies.</a></p>
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