Breast Pads
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Breast Pads",<br />"description":"Reusable and absorbent breast pads will support you while you are breastfeeding. Earth friendly and designed to soak up any leakage from the breasts and keep your clothes dry, so you can go about your day. Send less waste to landfill with these eco-friendly nursing pads.",</p>
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<p>Milk leakage in between feeds can make getting ready to go out a little more challenging when nursing. Using nipple pads under a bra can provide you some peace of mind as you go about your day. The first few weeks of having a new baby includes many new experiences, see our article <a href="" target="_blank">Top tips to overcome challenges for new mums.</a></p>
<h3>The Best Breast Pads</h3>
<p>A reusable breast pad can be used in place of a disposable one, they’re a more environmentally friendly option. Simply place inside bra and replace when needed. The bra will hold the breast pad in place so that it does not shift around. Wash and dry them with your clothing.</p>
<p>Breast pads made from natural fibres are soft and comfortable to wear. They can also be refrigerated or frozen to provide comfort when needed. Alternatively, try some of our moulded ice packs for a cooling sensation on the breasts. See our range of <a href="">Nipple Shields & Creams</a> for more nipple support, and <a href="">Breastfeeding Supplements</a> to support your breast milk production.</p>
<p>At HealthPost you will find a wide range of supportive products in our extensive <a href="">Breastfeeding & Postnatal </a>range.</p>
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