Kids Drink Bottles
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Kids Drink Bottles",<br />"description":"Swap out your plastic drink bottles for reusable, eco-friendly stainless steel made especially for little ones. Stainless steel is very sturdy, designed to hold up to years of use – it also keeps liquids cooler for longer. This range also includes some plastic free options for toddlers. ",</p>
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<p>A water bottle to take to school is a great way to keep up your little one’s water intake. Plastic bottles, even if they are BPA free, can still leach chemicals into the liquid that they contain – especially when heated, or left around for an extended amount of time. You can choose a stainless-steel bottle and feel confident you’re looking after their health and the planet.</p>
<h3>Sustainable Drink Bottles and Lunchboxes</h3>
<p>With many fun patterns to choose from, these water bottles for kids make excellent gifts. Grab your kids some eco-friendly lunchboxes too from our <a href="">Kids Lunchbox</a> range. We love the bento boxes – in fact these are great for adults too. Are you looking for other ways to switch to reusable products? Check out our article on <a href="" target="_blank">Easy swaps to save a trip to the shops: Reusables.</a></p>
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