Kids Lunchboxes
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Kids Lunchboxes",<br />"description":"Choose sustainable, eco-friendly lunchboxes and food pouches for your kids lunches. We have a wide range of stainless steel containers for waste free snacks and mealtimes. Silicone pouches are great for sandwiches and can be used to store meals and leftovers in the fridge and freezer. ",</p>
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<p>Stainless steel lunchboxes and containers, as well as reusable silicone pouches, make packing lunches and storing food a breeze and are a great, long lasting, planet friendly option. Check out this article for more <a href="" target="_blank">Easy swaps to save a trip to the shops: Reusables.</a></p>
<h3>Stainless Steel Lunchboxes</h3>
<p>Take your kids lunch to the next level with a stainless-steel lunchbox, we love the bento box shapes that have separate compartments for morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea. Add in a stainless steel water bottle from our <a href="">Kids Drink Bottles</a> range to get them off to a good start.</p>
<h3>Healthy lunch ideas for kids</h3>
<p>We love these naturally sweetened lunch box friendly <a href="" target="_blank">Raw cacao energy bars</a>. If nuts are ok, then try these <a href="" target="_blank">Paleo banana and walnut muffins</a> for a protein packed treat. Looking for ideas for your hungry tween? See our guide for <a href="" target="_blank">Fuelling your tween.</a></p>
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