Mood Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Good Mood Supplements",</p>
<p>"description":"We all experience feelings of overwhelm, tension, worry, apprehension, or sadness from time to time. If these feelings start to interfere with daily life on a regular basis, then its time to reach out for some support. Taking a supplement for Mood Support can be an important part of your overall wellness plan.",</p>
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<p>Our mood can be changeable throughout the day, as there are many factors that play a part in how we feel. It’s important to remember that it is normal to feel a wide range of emotions, it’s when one sticks around for a bit too long, we can find ourselves needing some extra support.</p>
<p>Some circumstances are outside our control, however depending on our resilience, we can find ourselves able to respond to these stressors as they arise a little better.</p>
<p>The basis for overall health and wellbeing is nutritious food, daily movement, sunlight, fresh air, and sleep. However, during times of increased pressure these things can be neglected. Ground yourself by incorporating a <a href="" target="_blank">Welcome ritual into your day with these simple ideas.</a></p>
<h3>The fight, flight, freeze, fawn response</h3>
<p>Have you heard about the ‘fight, flight, freeze, fawn’ response? It is your body’s natural response to stressors, and it is an evolutionary adaptation that keeps us from harm. The problem is that our modern lifestyles have multiple incidences of stressors right throughout the day, and our brains are sometimes not able to differentiate between an actual threat, and a stressful email or event.</p>
<p>Calming down this response is important for supporting the body’s resilience. Thankfully, research has found that practicing deep belly breathing, mindfulness, awareness, or meditation can support the nervous system to return from the ‘fight, flight, freeze, fawn’ response.</p>
<p>There are also many supplements and products that can support your body, mind, and soul during times of increased pressure, and support mood and healthy neurotransmitters. Our <a href="">Nootropics </a>and supplements for <a href="">Learning & Concentration </a>can be a great support for work and school during times of increased pressure, such as exams and deadlines.</p>
<h3>Support during unsettling times</h3>
<p>Modern life stressors rarely involve running away from large animals, instead we often have multiple smaller incidents throughout the day – which over time can run us down leading to worry, overwhelm, and sadness.</p>
<p>Connection and support from friends and family is a vital part of being a human, reach out to others when you need a hand, and invest time in developing your relationships for a fulfilling and joyful life.</p>
<h3>Nutrients and herbs to support a healthy mood</h3>
<li><a href="">Ashwaganda </a>and <a href="">Rhodiola </a>are both adaptogenic herbs that support a healthy stress response.</li>
<li><a href="">Kava </a>is a relaxing herb that is a great support for a worried, or apprehensive mind.</li>
<li><a href="">St John’s Wort</a> is a herb known to support mood when taken over time.</li>
<li><a href="">Vitamin B-complex</a> and <a href="">Magnesium </a>nourish the nervous system and support healthy stress responses and energy.</li>
<li>L-Theanine, <a href="">5-HTP</a> or <a href="">SAMe</a> support healthy neurotransmitter synthesis and function, which thereby supports a healthy mood.</li>
<li><a href="">Herbal teas</a> including the herbs like chamomile, St John’s wort, passionflower or lemon balm and Bach Flower remedies to soothe the nervous system</li>
<li>Diffusing <a href="">Essential Oils</a> or enjoying an aromatherapy massage with Essential Oils like Lavender, Geranium, Sandalwood, or Sweet Orange Oil are a pleasant way of creating a calming atmosphere for the mind and nervous system.</li>
<p>We have a wide range of supplements and products to support a healthy mood, check out our range <a href="">Brain Health</a> supplements to support mental clarity and recall.</p>
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