Kidney Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Kidney Support",<br />"description":"<span class="TextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8" lang="EN-NZ" xml:lang="EN-NZ" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">The kidneys carry out very important processes in the body, including managing blood pressure, filtering the blood, and keeping the blood </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">itself </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">healthy. </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">Support healthy </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">kidney</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">s</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8"> throughout your life with </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">a wholefoods </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">diet,</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8"> active</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8"> lifestyle, and </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">key </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">supplements that support their</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8"> various</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8"> function</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW71644969 BCX8">s.</span></span>",</p>
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<p>}<br />}<br />]<br />},<br />"learn_more_description":{<br />"hide_section":false,<br />"title":"Kidney Support Benefits",<br />"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>The kidneys are two reddish brown, bean shaped organs that sit towards the back of the body, below the rib cage on each side of the spine. Interestingly, they do resemble their miniature namesakes, the kidney beans, but are about the size of your fist.</p>
<h3>What do the kidneys do?</h3>
<p>These twin organs perform many important jobs in the body.</p>
<li>They filter the blood and flush out waste from day-to-day metabolism, like urea</li>
<li>They monitor and adjust our blood pressure using chemical messengers</li>
<li>They measure metabolites in the blood and control the acid levels in the human body</li>
<li>They identify when new red blood cells need to be made and send a message to our bone marrow to ramp up production</li>
<p>Unlike the liver, the kidneys can’t repair themselves if they’re damaged, so it’s important to take good care of them to keep them working well.</p>
<h3>Tips for healthy kidneys</h3>
<p>Here are some ways to keep your kidneys functioning at their best:</p>
<li>Stay hydrated</li>
<li>Watch your sugar intake</li>
<li>Manage healthy blood pressure by managing stress and eating a wholefoods diet</li>
<li>Maintain a healthy BMI</li>
<li>Limit exposure to heavy metals and other toxins</li>
<li>Include<a href=""> Liver Support </a>supplements for daily care</li>
<p>Complete a regular or seasonal ‘detox’ from our <a href="">Detox & Body Cleanse range.</a></p>
<h3>Kidney supplements</h3>
<p>Supplements to support healthy kidneys:</p>
<li>Horsetail, Nettle, and Juniper support kidney health</li>
<li>Nutrients from plants like Tart cherry and Celery support healthy kidney function and support healthy acid levels, including in our joints</li>
<li>Vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C and Selenium are great for kidney health</li>
<li>Superfoods like Barley Grass and Chlorella, as well as homeopathic preparations are also available to support kidney function</li>
<li>Apple Pectin and Cilantro support healthy detoxification</li>
<li>Potassium and Dandelion support the kidneys to maintain healthy fluid balance</li>
<p>See <a href="" target="_blank">Our favourite ways to naturally detox </a>for kidney supportive herbal extracts.</p>
<h3>The best supplements for kidney health</h3>
<p>We have a wide range of supplements and products to support <a href="">Digestion & Detox.</a> These come in many forms, to suit your preference, and needs. See our range <a href="">Health Concerns</a> for helpful tips to support your health and wellbeing journey.</p>
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