Daily Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Daily Support",<br />"description":"Looking after our health day to day can be a bit of a balancing act, as we ensure we’ve had enough sleep, food, hydration, exercise, and time out. As we multitask and juggle at work and at home, taking a daily supplement can support you to be at your best each and every day. ",</p>
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<p>There are a number of daily supplements that we can take to support the normal functioning of our body that include minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and other nutritional support.</p>
<h3>Daily wellness</h3>
<p>Good health is built upon a foundation of: Quality wholesome food Hydration Moving the body everyday Adequate sleep every night (see our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/general-wellness-support/sleep-support/">Sleep Support</a> supplements) Sunshine! Connection to others</p>
<p>Sometimes it’s helpful to take a one a day ‘multivitamin’ to cover most of the bases, and then add in some specific nutrients or herbs each day. <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/blog/how-much-goodness-are-you-really-getting-from-your-fruit-and-veg/" target="_blank">How much goodness are you really getting from your fruit and veg?</a></p>
<h3>Daily supplements</h3>
<p>Minerals are a group of micronutrients that are essential for the healthy and normal functioning for almost every process in our body. Our body does not make them, so we must get them through our diet.</p>
<li>Magnesium supports healthy muscles, nerve, and brain function, sleeping patterns, bones, and our heart, and can be found in foods such as spinach, nuts, and seeds.</li>
<li>Zinc has many significant functions within the body that support healthy hormone production, immune function, and healthy skin, and can be found in oysters, chicken, beans, and wholegrains.</li>
<li>Iodine and Selenium are also very important minerals that support many body processes. Unfortunately, New Zealand soils are naturally low in selenium and iodine due to farming methods stripping the land of these essential minerals. This means that the food we consume is often much lower in minerals that in should be, and in turn we may need supplementation to ensure we are getting our recommended daily intake.</li>
<p>Vitamins, much like minerals, are a group of essential micronutrients. The human body cannot produce all the vitamins we need to function; so we need to get adequate intake through our diet.</p>
<li>B vitamins support the healthy function of every cell in your body and are an integral part of your body’s energy powerhouses – the mitochondria. See here for more <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/general-wellness-support/energy-support/">Energy Support</a> supplements.</li>
<li>Vitamin C is a popular vitamin and powerful antioxidant. It helps to support immune health and is understood to support collagen production - which is found in the skin, ligaments, cartilage, joint linings, capillary walls, as well as bones and teeth.</li>
<li>Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are required by the body every day. High levels of amino acids are mostly found in meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds.</li>
<li>Specific amino acids such as tyrosine and arginine support mood, metabolism, and hormone production, while glutamine supports gut and muscle tissue health.</li>
<h3>The best supplements for daily wellness</h3>
<p>All our daily support products come in a variety of forms, from capsules, tablets, powders, and liquids to superfoods.</p>
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