<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Headlice",<br />"description":"Choosing a natural head lice treatment is a safe and effective option. Head lice can be distressing for both parents and children, so it’s essential to find the right treatment that works and is free from harmful chemicals. Control those pesky parasites without chemical nasties!",</p>
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<p>Head lice (<em>Pediculus humanus capitis</em>) are also commonly referred to as ‘nits’. The nits are eggs, they look like tiny tan dots, which attach firmly to the hair shaft. They often occur amongst children, especially in classroom environments.</p>
<p>Natural lice treatment formulas contain essential oils and are designed to remove lice and eggs. Essential oils also work to repel lice and disrupt their ability to re-attach to the hair. Essential oils that work as natural insect deterrents include:</p>
<li>Tea tree</li>
<li>Rose Geranium</li>
<p>Anyone who has dealt with head lice knows that preventing infestation can save a lot of work. Natural insect deterrents and shield spray formulas contain these essential oils and can be used daily. The best lice treatment strategy also involves the use of a specially designed nit comb to effectively remove eggs; nit combs are often included in lice treatment kits.</p>
<p>Natural oils in our head lice formulas prepare the hair strands for dislodgement of lice and live eggs. These oils include Neem, Coconut, Castor and Olive oil, and they also condition the hair and make it easier to use special nit combs.</p>
<p>The head lice life cycle is 7 – 10 days, so a repeat treatment is recommended 7 days after any initial head lice treatment.</p>
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