Heart Health
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Heart Health Supplements",<br />"description":"The heart has an amazing role as the pump that enables healthy oxygenated blood to reach all our organs and cells. We have herbal and nutritional supplements to support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, circulation, and the tissue and function of the heart itself. ",</p>
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<p>Keeping our heart healthy means eating plenty of nutrient-dense whole foods, an active lifestyle, and learning to manage the extra pressures that can come our way, studies show that these three are key factors in heart health.</p>
<h3>Blood pressure support</h3>
<p>The body constantly monitors our blood pressure and makes adjustments to keep everything in balance. Some supplements and herbs have been found to support healthy blood pressure, see our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/heart-health/blood-pressure-support/">Blood Pressure Support </a>range.</p>
<h3>Cholesterol support</h3>
<p>Cholesterol is actually very important to many of the body’s processes and it’s important to maintain healthy levels. Plenty of fibre and omega-3 fats support healthy cholesterol balance, try our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/heart-health/cholesterol-support/">Cholesterol Support</a> supplements.</p>
<h3>Circulation support</h3>
<p>The health and vitality of your cells and organs relies on the blood reaching them, delivering oxygen and nutrition, and then carrying away any metabolic waste. Cold fingers and toes can indicate that your circulation could do with some support. As well as moving your body, have a look at our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/heart-health/circulation-support/">Circulation Support</a> supplements.</p>
<h3>Heart health support</h3>
<p>For general heart health, and to support the tissue of the heart to do its best job, see our extensive range of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/heart-health/heart-health-support/">Heart Health Support supplements</a>. Keeping your heart healthy and happy is one of the keys to a long and fulfilling life.</p>
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