Cold Sores Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Cold Sores Support",<br />"description":"There are lots of things we can do to naturally support the health of our lips and the bodys response to unwanted outbreaks that pop up. We have a wide range of natural products available to support cold sores and the general health of your lips. ",</p>
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<p>Cold sores are very common spread easily, they’re often passed on through physical contact such as through a kiss from a family member or partner, or through sharing eating utensils.</p>
<p>The bug that causes them can lie dormant in the body without causing any problems until it is triggered. <a href="">What to do when a cold sore strikes.</a></p>
<h3>What can trigger an outbreak?</h3>
<p>Some common triggers that can cause an outbreak include:</p>
<li>Having too much on your plate, and being under a lot of pressure</li>
<li>Emotional upset</li>
<li>Ills and chills or a high temperature</li>
<li>Being run down and tired</li>
<li>A lip injury</li>
<p>Things that put our bodies under physical or mental stress can leave us susceptible to a higher chance of an outbreak.</p>
<h3>Tips for avoiding outbreaks</h3>
<li>Practical ways to relieve worry and overwhelm can include daily relaxation techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, listening to music or yoga.</li>
<li>A healthy diet can help the body to be resilient, include foods like citrus fruits, red peppers, broccoli, garlic, and spinach.</li>
<h3>Supplements to support healthy lips</h3>
<p>Aside from food and lifestyle changes, supplementing with specific vitamins and nutrients can also be used to support lip health. These can be found as capsules, tablets, herbal liquids, creams, and gels and may include nutrients such as:</p>
<li><a href="">Lysine</a> – an amino acid which supports the body’s natural ability to support lip damage and nourish lips.</li>
<li><a href="">Zinc</a> – supports skin rejuvenation and a healthy immune system.</li>
<li><a href="">Vitamin E</a> – moisturises and nourishes the skin.</li>
<li><a href="">Tea Tree</a> and Horopito – supports the skin against unwanted bugs.</li>
<li><a href="">Vitamin C </a>– supports a healthy immune system and healthy skin.</li>
<li><a href="">Olive Leaf</a> – supports a robust immune system.</li>
<li><a href="">Echinacea </a>– provides support for a healthy immune system and healthy recovery.</li>
<p>See our full range of <a href="">Immune Support</a> supplements for healthy recovery and immune function.</p>
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