Wart Support
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Wart Support",<br />"description":"Sick of trying to hide those pesky warts? Our well-tolerated and effective natural wart support products are just what you’re looking for. Our experts have carefully selected the best natural supplements that support the body’s own healthy immune process of wart removal.",</p>
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<p>Common warts are skin growths and apart from being unsightly and causing embarrassment, there is usually no need for concern. They’re caused by a virus which triggers cell growth that hardens and thickens the top layer of skin, causing a wart to appear.</p>
<p>They are most commonly found on hands and feet, where cut or damaged skin allows the virus to enter the body. Kids and teenagers often have warts because they’ve not yet built up resistance to the virus.</p>
<p>The body has its own innate immune response, which means it knows how to remove warts naturally. Immune supplements can be effective at supporting this immune response and helping the body to rid itself of the wart virus. Herbs such as <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/immunity-supplements/echinacea/">Echinacea </a>have great immune supporting qualities and the mineral <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/minerals/zinc/">Zinc </a>is important for skin healing and immune function.</p>
<p>Thuja is a very popular herbal and homeopathic remedy that can be taken both internally and applied topically. Time to say goodbye to unsightly warts for good.</p>
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