<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Mints",<br />"description":"Natural, organic mints that freshen breath with true flavour. No artificial colours, chemicals or animal products. Just pure, clean ingredients for a happy, minty-fresh mouth.",</p>
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<p>Mints are typically consumed as an after-dinner refreshment, or when you need help masking bad breath. While most Mints out there contain processed sugar, our range of Mints contain only natural ingredients that are good for you and our planet.</p>
<h3>Why use Mints?</h3>
<p>Mints come in lots of different flavours and can be enjoyed for many reasons:</p>
<li>Ginger-flavoured mints are great for long car rides, or during the early stages of pregnancy</li>
<li>Peppermint-flavoured mints are satisfying after a big meal, or when you’re in the mood for a flavourful pick-me-up</li>
<h3>Using Mints</h3>
<p>Mints are often packaged in small containers that fit nicely in any bag of choice. They’re an easy, accessible option when you’re on-the-go, and really deliver on convenience. Whether you’re travelling, attending a social engagement or formal occasion, they act as a great confidence boost with minty fresh breath.</p>
<p>If you’re in the mood for a more decadent option, our Chocolate & Sweets and Natural Sweeteners feature delicious sugar-free options to satisfy and delight tastebuds. Other options like Peppermint Tea, are great to nourish any time of day or try adding cooled tea for a nutrient-rich kick in smoothies.</p>
<h3>Other oral health options to get behind</h3>
<p>Support oral hygiene with our range of Oral Care and Eco-Friendly Personal Care - featuring a collection of natural toothbrushes, mouthwash products for healthy gums, and more.</p>
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