Collagen & Gelatin Powders
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Collagen & Gelatin Powders",<br />"description":"Support your wellness from the inside out with our range of collagen and gelatin powders. Collagen and gelatin both support joint mobility, skin elasticity and digestive health, and collagen also forms the structural matrix of the body’s connective tissues.",</p>
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<p>Collagen and gelatin powders can support the strength, elasticity and structural integrity of connective tissue, including:</p>
<li>Joint tissue such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments</li>
<li>Digestive tract lining</li>
<li>Hair, skin and nails</li>
<p>Gelatin is a popular cooking ingredient and turns into a thick jelly when mixed with liquid. It can be used to thicken sauces and make homemade jelly lollies. Hydrolysed collagen has been processed so the proteins are easier to digest and utilise. It is a popular supplement and is more bioavailable than gelatin. Collagen powders dissolve in hot or cold liquids, but they don’t solidify as readily as gelatin when mixed into liquid. Collagen is either marine sourced or made from beef or pork. Gelatin is a cooked form of collagen and most often comes from the skin and connective tissue of beef or pork.</p>
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