Flaxseed Oil
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Flaxseed Oil",<br />"description":"Natural Flaxseed oil is a healthy, easy way to provide more omega-3 for the whole family, and is super popular with people looking for a plant-based Omega-3 supplement. This rich gold liquid provides support for cardiovascular, brain, joint and skin health.",</p>
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<p>Made by cold-pressing seed from the Linum usitatissimum plant, Flaxseed oil contains one of the highest levels of Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid of any plant oil. It can be taken as a supplement in capsule form or as a liquid. In liquid form it can be used as a salad dressing, poured over cold food for added nutrition or simply taken by the spoonful.</p>
<p>Flaxseed oil contains three different polyunsaturated omega oils:</p>
<li>Omega 3 alpha-linolenic acid</li>
<li>Omega-6 linoleic acid</li>
<li>Omega-9 oleic acid</li>
<p>As a supplement, flaxseed oil can be used to support:</p>
<li>Skin health – for soothed, moisturised skin</li>
<li>Cardiovascular system – for heart health, circulation and healthy cholesterol levels</li>
<li>Brain – for a sharp mind, healthy mood and healthy brain ageing</li>
<li>Joints – for flexibility, comfort and maintenance of strong joints</li>
<p>Kids options include Organic Flaxseed oil liquid to support learning and general vitality.</p>
<p>Dark bottles are used to protect oils from light, which may alter their beneficial properties, and Flaxseed oil is also best used cold, as heat can damage the oil structure. Oil bottles should be stored in the fridge after opening.</p>
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