Edible Seaweed
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Edible Seaweed",<br />"description":"Rich in nutrients, our range of Edible Seaweed is a tasty, versatile option for your next healthy snack or meal idea. Packed full of Vitamin B12 and iodine, they're a perfect addition to any lifestyle or diet choice.",</p>
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<p>Edible seaweed is a nutrient-dense powerhouse for the human body. From seaweed snacks to seaweed seasoning, we have a great range of nutritious options to choose from. The powerful umami flavour in seaweed helps accentuate any dish it’s paired with, and it makes a great addition to meals, soups and snacks.</p>
<h3>Why pick Edible Seaweed?</h3>
<p>From miso soup to sushi rolls or garnished over salads, Edible Seaweed is an easy and delicious choice to add to your favourite dishes. Being plant-derived, it’s also perfect for both vegetarians and vegans alike. For a distinctive taste full of flavour and crunch, switch up your next meal idea with our range of Edible Seaweed.</p>
<h3>Get your fix</h3>
<p>For a wider range of options, explore our growing collection of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/healthy-food-drink/seaweeds/">Seaweeds</a>. For a healthy salt alternative that’s sustainably sourced, see our range of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/healthy-food-drink/seaweeds/kelp/">Kelp</a>. Liven up any green salad of choice with our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/healthy-food-drink/seaweeds/seaweed-seasoning/">Seaweed Seasoning, </a>or use as a salt alternative - perfect for those on a low sodium diet.</p>
<p>Getting started with seaweed? Find out more on the nutritional benefits of this sea-loving vegetable with our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/blog/getting-started-with-seaweed-the-oceans-superfood/" target="_blank">Getting Started With Seaweed: The Oceans’ Superfood.</a></p>
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