Headlice Treatment
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Headlice Treatment",<br />"description":"Are you looking for an effective and natural option to address headlice and nits? Look no further than our well-loved headlice treatment range that includes shampoos, treatments, combs, and sprays. They’re suitable for the whole family and an ideal way to manage headlice and nits long term too. ",</p>
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<p>Headlice and nits seem to be a common rite of passage for many youngsters as they start school – which they can then pass on to the whole family. To get on top of the infestation its best to take a comprehensive approach that includes treatment, and a shield or deterrent (so they won’t come back so easily!).</p>
<h3>Headlice Removal</h3>
<p>Nits are eggs that attach to the hair, and when they hatch, they are then known as headlice. You can usually see them at the base of the hair shaft, and as they multiply you will start noticing some itching and head scratching.</p>
<h3>The Best Headlice Solution for Kids</h3>
<p>Using an oil first to immobilise the lice, makes it far easier to comb them out. Follow this with a good shampoo and rinse. Lastly, make sure to use a shield spray. Learn all about Headlice, their lifecycle, and <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/blog/5-easy-steps-to-treat-head-lice-naturally/" target="_blank">5 easy steps to treat headlice naturally in this article.</a></p>
<p>Looking for some no tears shampoo or bubble bath to make the process a bit more enjoyable? See our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/family/kids-care/kids-shampoo-body-wash-bubble-bath/">Kids Shampoo, Body Wash & Bubble Bath</a> range. Also check out our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/family/kids-care/essential-oils-for-kids/">Essential Oils for Kids</a> range, you can also make up your own treatment oil with deterrents like Tea Tree, Lavender, Eucalyptus and Neem essential oils mixed into a carrier oil.</p>
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