



It is commonly used to support skin, gut and joint health.

Gelatin and collagen are very similar in terms of their health benefits because they contain the same amino acids, or building blocks, of protein. Gelatin is said to be easier to digest than collagen because gelatin is the end result of cooking collagen. The main difference between collagen and gelatin is that collagen doesn’t solidify when mixed with water, whereas gelatin does. Gelatin powder is relatively colourless and tasteless.

Gelatin is available in powders, and in skin and joint health formulations. Supplements are commonly found in gelatin derived capsules.

Benefits & Uses

Skin health:

Collagen is probably best known for its benefits for the skin. As we age, our natural collagen production declines. Supplementing with gelatin can help with positive ageing. It provides support for elasticity and skin strength and can support firmness of the skin.

Joint health:

In addition to improving the appearance of the skin, gelatin can support joint health. During the aging process collagen begins eroding in the joints. Gelatin supplementation is seen to support healthy prostaglandin pathways and maintenance of healthy movement when used in clinical trials. Gelatin also supports muscle and tendon strength which has a supportive effect on joints.

Gastrointestinal health:

The gelatinous quality of gelatin is what helps to support the health of our connective tissue, which includes the lining of the digestive tract. Gelatin can be used to support this lining, improves its integrity, and ultimately supports digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Nervous system support:

Glycine is the amino acid that is most abundant in gelatin. Among many other benefits, glycine supports nervous system health. It can also help to support sleep quality, as well as support a sense of calm and a balanced mood.