<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Echinacea",<br />"description":"Echinacea is a perennial plant with purple blossoms, commonly known as ‘coneflower’. Echinacea is known as one of the top herbs for supporting a robust immune response. Echinacea supports the normal activation of T-cells and formation of white blood cells, the body’s natural defence against ills and chills.",</p>
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<p>Echinacea is probably the primary herb for stimulating immune system function. It promotes the activation of T-cells and formation of white blood cells, the body’s defence against infection.</p>
<p>Echinacea is a perennial plant with purple blossoms, commonly known as ‘coneflower’. Native to eastern and central North America, Echinacea was widely used by the North American Plains Indians to support the body’s response to ills and chills, and as a general health tonic.</p>
<p>There are three different species of Echinacea used for health: Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pallida, and Echinacea purpurea. The root of both angustifolia and pallida is used, while in purpurea the fresh flowering tops are preferable. Some supplements combine the three species for maximum potency.</p>
<h3>Benefits of an Echinacea supplement</h3>
<li>Echinacea is one of the most popular herbs for supporting the immune system to respond. It supports the normal activation of T-cells and formation of white blood cells, as part of normal healthy immune function.</li>
<li>Echinacea’s properties support the body to ward off all sorts of bugs and defend against unwanted invaders.</li>
<li>Echinacea supports the health of the upper respiratory tract, the skin, the urinary tract, genitals, and gums.</li>
<h3>How to take an Echinacea supplement</h3>
<p>Echinacea is available in tablets, capsules, and liquids. Echinacea has a distinct tingling effect on the tongue when taken as a liquid or syrup, the stronger the tingle, the better it is! Some people however do not like this sensation, and will either dilute with some water or juice, or choose a capsule instead.</p>
<p>Echinacea is generally suitable when used as recommended. Some people who have an allergy to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, and daisies may have a mild reaction to Echinacea, if you have any concerns then please speak to your health practitioner before taking an Echinacea supplement.</p>
<p>Consider adding a <a href="">Colostrum </a>or <a href="">Garlic </a>supplement to support the body’s defences in the lead up to the cooler months.</p>
<p>Taking an <a href="">Immune Health Supplement</a> can support your family to prepare for the common health concerns that arise in the cooler months. Read some of our other great and <a href="" target="_blank">Helpful Tips for Good Immune Health</a></p>
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