NZ Manuka Honey
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"NZ Manuka Honey",<br />"description":"Special plant compounds and our pristine environment make New Zealand Manuka Honey sought-after worldwide. A highly prized superfood and natural sweetener, Manuka honey is also a valuable ingredient in many natural health products.",</p>
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<p>"learn_more_description":{<br />"hide_section":false,<br />"title":"NZ Manuka Honey",<br />"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>Famed for its quality and purity, New Zealand Manuka Honey is a source of unique plant phenols and nutrients, including amino acids, B vitamins, and minerals.</p>
<p>Manuka honey is used in many natural products including:</p>
<li>Supplements for immune support</li>
<li>Natural skincare</li>
<li>Natural wound care and dressings</li>
<p>Manuka honey displays a distinctive flavor, with herbal, woody and earthy characteristics. There are natural variations in colour and taste, depending on the growing conditions and altitude of the Manuka trees.</p>
<p>Manuka honey is rich in plant phenols from Manuka flowers. It’s these special compounds that make it so unique and sought after.</p>
<li>Methylglyoxal – MGO</li>
<li>Dihydroxyacetone (DHA)</li>
<p>Manuka honeys are lab tested and given ratings for levels of MGO, leptosperin and DHA. You’ll find MGO (Methylglyoxal), UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) and MGS (Molan Gold Standard) certifications on the label. Generally, the more compounds present the higher the number.</p>
<p>Enjoy Manuka honey daily as a spread, added to smoothies and drinks or as a natural sweetener in your home-made treats.</p>
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