Body Lotion
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Body Lotion",<br />"description":"Pamper your dehydrated skin with a body lotion created with only natural ingredients. Restore your skin to its best condition and make natural body lotions part of your daily body care routine. Feel assured that you’re looking after your skin with the best nature has to offer, without the synthetic ingredients that conventional body lotions may use.",</p>
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<p>Natural body lotions deeply moisturise to leave your skin supple and soft without feeling greasy and are perfect to revive dry skin on your arms and legs. Indulge your senses with beneficial essential oils and creamy plant butters that replenish skin moisture. If you have sensitive skin or allergic reactions to regular personal care products, then a natural body lotion may help alleviate some skin conditions. Plant-based ingredients contain rejuvenating antioxidants that could repair skin damage and also provide aromatherapy.</p>
<p>You could also combine with a <a href="">natural body wash</a> to invigorate and freshen.</p>
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