BB Cream
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"BB Cream",<br />"description":"With the ‘BB’ standing for Blemish Balm, BB Cream is a multi-tasking product that can be used alongside primer and foundation, or on its own to replace myriad other products altogether, including not just primer and foundation but also moisturiser, serum and sunblock.",</p>
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<p>In the world of makeup, as with art, having a clean and flawless canvas to work on is one of the keys to creating a perfect look. One of the most revolutionary products to emerge in the past decade and assist in the creation of beautiful, natural-looking skin is BB cream – the ultimate multi-tasker.</p>
<p>Replacing several products with one means a saving on time and effort, as well as nourished, glowing skin. BB creams come in a number of variations that may include anti-aging, sun protection, and other formulae.</p>
<p>Great for lighter weekend coverage, or for helping create a flawless base alongside other products, there is little wonder BB cream has emerged as a must-have beauty product in every makeup bag.</p>
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