Hyaluronic Acid Serums
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Hyaluronic Acid Serums",<br />"description":"Achieve the ultimate glow with this revolutionary skin product. Formulated to provide a generous dose of moisture to skin, support healthy skin cells with our impressive range of Hyaluronic Acid Serums. The perfect addition to any skincare ritual.",</p>
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<p>}<br />}<br />]<br />},<br />"learn_more_description":{<br />"hide_section":false,<br />"title":"<span class="NormalTextRun SCXW228857905 BCX8">Wha</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW228857905 BCX8">t’s the hype around Hyaluronic Acid Serums?</span>",<br />"description":["<br />=====START=====</p>
<p>As hyaluronic acid is one of the key components for lubrication within our body, Hyaluronic Acid Serums are wonderful for supporting smooth, plump skin. As we age, hyaluronic acid decreases in our skin, so skincare products that infuse this natural superstar are very popular for people interested in healthy skin ageing.</p>
<p>Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Serums are perfect for providing rich moisture to thirsty skin and supporting the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles. Formulated with natural skin brighteners like green tea, licorice and mulberry extracts, achieve a luminous, dewy complexion with options that feel glorious on your skin.</p>
<h3>The benefits of Hyaluronic Acid:</h3>
<li>Holds 1,000 times its weight in water – great for cushioning joints</li>
<li>Supports healthy skin moisture levels - for a plump and luscious skin surface</li>
<li>Powerful support for dry skin</li>
<li>Lubricates the surface of the eye</li>
<h3>Harness a healthy skincare ritual</h3>
<p>For a natural, skin-loving ritual that nourishes, our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/natural-skin-care/">Natural Skincare</a> has everything you need to harness healthy skin. Round out your moisturising routine with our well-loved range of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/natural-skin-care/face-moisturiser/">Face Moisturiser</a>. For a bright, sun-kissed complexion, see our range of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/natural-skin-care/vitamin-c-serums-skincare/">Vitamin C Serums & Skincare</a>. Wash away everyday makeup with our gentle <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-beauty-body/natural-skincare/makeup-remover/">Makeup Remover</a> products.</p>
<p>After more plump, radiant looking skin? Enter in bakuchiol – the plant-based alternative to retinol. We explore the importance of using bakuchiol in your daily routine and which best-selling product deserves a spot on your shelf with <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/blog/bakuchiol-the-natural-alternative-to-retinol/" target="_blank">Bakuchiol: The Natural Alternative To Retinol.</a></p>
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