Natural Toothbrushes
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Bamboo & Biodegradable Toothbrushes",<br />"description":"Natural toothbrushes have 100% sustainable and biodegradable handles, which means less plastic waste clogging up the landfill. So, you can feel good knowing that you’re taking care of your smile and the planet. And with bristles made from BPA-free nylon, they are a healthier choice for the whole family.",</p>
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<p>Sadly, 3.6 billion plastic toothbrushes are produced and discarded in landfills every year. But we can work towards a better planet by making small, environmentally conscious changes – like switching to an eco-friendly toothbrush. The good news is that a biodegradable toothbrush made from corn starch or bamboo gives us a much more planet-friendly option that is just as effective at cleaning our teeth.</p>
<p>Bamboo is an ultra-fast-growing, sustainable material. In fact, it can grow up to two feet per day and what’s more, it is completely biodegradable. Corn starch handles are another good option as they are derived from non-GMO corn, and like bamboo, they’re biodegradable and sustainable./p></p>
<p>The high-quality nylon bristles are available in ultra-soft to medium options. They’re also free from BPA (short for bisphenol A, a harmful chemical used in plastics). The charcoal infused option has bristles infused with activated charcoal to support healthy oral flora and fresh breath. For naturally healthy teeth and gums try our other oral care products including <a href="">natural mouthwash</a> and <a href="">natural toothpaste</a>.</p>
<p>A biodegradable toothbrush is a far better, eco-friendly choice for clean, white teeth and a clean conscience at the same time. Let’s all support our planet – one sustainable toothbrush at a time.</p>
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