Bamboo Cotton Buds
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Bamboo Cotton Buds",<br />"description":"Do away with regular plastic cotton buds and make the move to a sustainable, planet-friendly option. With recyclable packaging, cotton tip and a bamboo stick, our cotton buds are a much kinder choice for us and our planet.",</p>
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<p>Made from sustainable bamboo and natural cotton, our plastic-free cotton buds are perfect for cleaning, makeup application, removing makeup and even for your baby’s delicate skin.</p>
<p>While they’ve long been considered an essential bathroom item, regular cotton buds aren’t good news for the environment. Small plastic items such as plastic cotton bud sticks often end up in the sea, as they are blown, or carried by rainwater to streams that flow to the sea. These small pieces of plastic are then ground down and eventually ingested by sea birds and fish. Such a sad picture to imagine. Now that we are all making positive changes and are aware of the impact that single use plastics can have on our environment, bamboo cotton buds are a welcome change.</p>
<p>Bamboo is an incredibly fast-growing plant. In fact, it can grow up to 1m per day! Even better, bamboo can survive with very little water and does not need chemical sprays to keep pests at bay. Plus, it degrades naturally making it an almost perfect material for our needs and for taking care of the environment.</p>
<p>Make the switch to natural bamboo cotton buds and do your bit for our planet – you won’t look back.</p>
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