Natural Plasters
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Plasters",<br />"description":"Our natural plasters are compostable, plastic free and toxin free – for a planet friendly choice. Regular plasters are a source of single use plastic, and a skin irritant for many of us. Thankfully, we have natural alternatives. Our natural plasters are perfect for sensitive skin and are a must-have in your first-aid kit.",</p>
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<p>Our vegan plasters are 100% plant-derived for a sustainable choice. Made from bamboo fibre, our range of natural bamboo plasters are a great option for people who are conscious about environmental impact, but also want all natural, gentle products for the whole family.</p>
<p>A highly sustainable plant, bamboo is fast growing and requires little water. It is also a naturally hardy plant that doesn’t need herbicides or pesticides during the growing process. Plus, it naturally degrades over time, making our bamboo plasters the perfect choice for eco conscious consumers.</p>
<p>Our natural plasters also feature mineral based adhesives, which are gentle on the skin and minimise the ouchies for little ones when it’s time to remove the plaster.</p>
<p>What’s more, the natural coconut oil makes natural plasters even more soothing for children. Charcoal enriched natural plasters are helpful at supporting the skin’s ability to rid itself of impurities and Aloe Vera soothes and supports the body's natural healing response to burns and bites.</p>
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