<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Boswellia",<br />"description":"Boswellia serrata is a herbal supplement for joints, otherwise known as Indian Frankincense. The resinous extract has been used traditionally in the Ayurvedic tradition to support joint mobility and comfort.",</p>
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<p><em>Boswellia</em> <em>serrata</em> is a tree that can be found growing natively throughout India, North Africa, and the Middle East. For many years the resin found under the bark of the tree has been used in the Ayurvedic tradition to provide comfort for joints that have experienced some normal wear and tear.</p>
<p>Recent research looking into the chemical constituents found inside the resin of the tree, has shown Boswellia <em>serrata</em> to be very valuable, confirming its value as a supportive supplement for joint comfort.</p>
<p>Boswellia <em>serrata</em> is suitable to be taken alongside some of our other popular <a href="">Joint Supplements</a>.</p>
<h3><strong>Benefits of Boswellia <em>serrata</em> for Joints: </strong></h3>
<li>Boswellia <em>serrata</em> is a natural support for joint comfort.</li>
<li>Its use is based on years of traditional use and supported by recent research.</li>
<li>The extract of <em>Boswellia serrata</em> can support the body to maintain healthy joints.</li>
<li>Can be taken alongside <a href="">Turmeric</a> for extra comfort.</li>
<h3><strong>When to consider Boswellia serrata: </strong></h3>
<p>Boswellia <em>serrata</em> can be taken at any stage of life to support the comfort and healthy maintenance of joints, in particular:</p>
<li>In the latter years of life</li>
<li>If we are involved in sport, or are a keen runner</li>
<li>To support healthy recovery</li>
<p>For added mobility, add in some <a href="">Glucosamine</a> which can support the body’s ability to lubricate the joints.</p>
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