Collagen for Joints
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Collagen for Joints",<br />"description":"Collagen supports the strength, flexibility, and comfort of our joints. Our body’s own collagen production naturally declines as we age. For a feeling of comfort and youthful flexibility, a collagen supplement for joints might be just what you're looking for.",</p>
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<p>There is a big buzz around collagen for skin, hair, and nails, but what about collagen for joints?</p>
<h3>Collagen for youthful Joints</h3>
<p>As the body’s main structural protein, collagen plays an important role in the makeup of joint cartilage, tendons and ligaments. It helps to maintain strength and flexibility, <a href="">however as we age, our natural production of collagen declines</a>. Over time, this can cause joints and bones to become less flexible and more brittle.</p>
<h3>Why take a Collagen Supplement for Joints?</h3>
<p>Collagen can naturally be found in the bones, joints, and cartilage of animals. As our diets tend to contain less collagen-rich, tough, gristly parts of animal products these days, a collagen supplement can be an easy way to boost your intake.</p>
<p>Another key building block for healthy joints is <a href="">Glucosamine</a>, which can be taken alongside your collagen for joints supplement.</p>
<p>Available in capsules or a powder, collagen can be added to your <a href="">favourite recipe</a> – or if you are feeling adventurous, why not make your own collagen rich <a href="">Bone Broth</a>?</p>
<h3>What Type of Collagen is Best for Joints?</h3>
<p>Along with types 1 and 3 collagen which are more suited to skin health, type 2 collagen is said to be more specific to joints. Type 2 collagen makes up 85-90% of the collagen in articular cartilage - a type of cartilage which covers the end of bone surfaces where they meet to form a joint.</p>
<p>Collagen is derived from marine sources as well as chicken sternum cartilage and has been studied for its role in joint health.</p>
<p>Do you need more help <a href="">Choosing a Collagen that’s right for you</a>?</p>
<p>We carry a wide range of <a href="">Joint Supplements</a> to support healthy and happy joints.</p>
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