Liposomal Vitamin C
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Liposomal Vitamin C",<br />"description":"Liposomal Vitamin C is more bioavailable and faster absorbed compared to other forms. Tiny oil liposomes or bubbles make it easier to absorb. It’s an excellent choice for those with sensitive digestion because liposomes create a buffer in the digestive tract. Liposomal Vitamin C supports a strong immune response, antioxidant protection, and healthy collagen in joints and skin.",</p>
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<p>Liposomes are microscopic bubbles which carry nutrients. As their phospholipid structure is like our cell membranes, liposomes are easily transported into cells, which means the nutrients are more easily absorbed and used by the body.</p>
<h3>Liposomal Vitamin C benefits</h3>
<p>Research shows that Liposomal Vitamin C supplements are more bioavailable than standard Vitamin C supplements. This means the Vitamin reaches the blood stream sooner and at higher levels. Other <a href="">Liposomal Products</a> for improved bioavailability include, <a href="">Liposomal Magnesium</a>, and <a href="">Liposomal B Complex</a> Vitamins.</p>
<h3>When should I take Liposomal Vitamin C?</h3>
<li>Liposomal Vitamin C is super important for a healthy immune response and as it supports a healthy recovery from ills and chills, many people choose to take this form of Vitamin C throughout the cooler seasons.</li>
<li>Liposomal Vitamin C offers antioxidant protection against free radical damage.</li>
<li>Vitamin C is crucial for collagen production, which supports healthy joints, skin, hair, and nails.</li>
<li>It also plays a part in natural tissue regeneration and people often opt for Liposomal Vitamin C to support healthy wound healing after surgery.</li>
<p><a href="">Liposomal Products</a> and supplements are now available in either capsule, liquid, or sachet form. The sachets are a great portable option for when you are on the go.</p>
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