Specialty Liposomals
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Specialty Liposomals",</p>
<p>"description":"The development of Liposomal Products in recent times has led to a number of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients being formulated into liposomes. Liposomal supplements offer supreme absorption and bioavailability. We have carefully selected a handful of Specialty Liposomal supplements, such as Turmeric, Lipoic Acid, and Activated B-12.",</p>
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<p><a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/liposomal-products/liposomal-glutathione/">Liposomal Products</a> are already special in their own right due to their novel form and delivery as a health supplement. The nutrient is wrapped in a fatty bubble, which enables its safe travel through the digestive tract, and subsequent absorption directly through the cell membrane.</p>
<p>One of the very first Liposomal Supplements was <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/liposomal-products/liposomal-vitamin-c/">Liposomal Vitamin C</a>, which has been very useful for those with sensitive digestive tracts.</p>
<p>The following Specialty Liposomals have been formulated using specialty nutrients and phytonutrients that have been well researched for their positive impact on various aspects of health and wellbeing.</p>
<h3>Liposomal Turmeric</h3>
<p>Turmeric, and its special ingredient Curcumin, is a very well researched phytonutrient which can support:</p>
<li>The flexibility, mobility, and comfort of joints as we age</li>
<li>Healthy antioxidant activity in the body for youthful vitality</li>
<li>Healthy resilience to ills and chills</li>
<p>The liposomal formulation of Turmeric is far more absorbable due to the fact that Curcumin is fat soluble, and requires fats to enable absorption in the digestive tract.</p>
<h3>Liposomal B12</h3>
<p>Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin, which means that we need to have adequate intake through our diet – and if that is not possible, then as a supplement. The Liposomal B12 technology can increase absorption and mitigate any issues with absorption that some people may have due to sensitive digestive systems.</p>
<p>Vitamin B12 is important for healthy energy, mood, and sleep. Are you looking for other B-Vitamins? Try one of our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/liposomal-products/liposomal-b-complex/">Liposomal B Complexes</a> for additional support.</p>
<h3>Liposomal Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)</h3>
<p>Liposomal Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA for short), is a very powerful antioxidant that supports healthy energy production and youthful vitality. ALA is created in small amounts in the body, and absorbed when consuming red meat, organ meat, and brewers yeast.</p>
<p>The Lypo-Spheric Lipoic Acid 250mg by Livon Laboratories provides the body with a large dose of R-ALA, which is then transported directly into your system to support healthy body processes.</p>
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