<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Boron Supplements",<br />"description":"It might not be as well-known as other trace minerals, but that doesn’t mean Boron doesn’t deserve some attention. Boron is very important for overall health. In fact, it is essential for many body processes and influences a variety of our body’s systems including bone, joint, immune and hormonal health.",</p>
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<p>Minerals often work in a team and are vital for healthy cell functions. They are classified into two groups, depending on their presence in the body: Macro minerals and trace minerals. Macro minerals include magnesium, <a href="">calcium </a>and potassium while boron and <a href="">iron </a>are members of the trace minerals group.</p>
<p>Boron helps our body to absorb and utilise other vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium and vitamin D, so it’s crucial for healthy bones and joints as well as our teeth and gums. Together with the mineral zinc, boron can also assist both women and men’s hormonal balance.</p>
<p>At HealthPost, we have an excellent selection of boron that can be taken in several different ways to suit your needs. We stock boron</p>
<li>on its own as drops or tablets</li>
<li>with glucosamine and chondroitin, calcium, magnesium or vitamin D for healthy joints and bones</li>
<li>within chewable multivitamins for kids, for strong teeth, bones, relaxed nerves and growth spurts</li>
<p>Other indirect effects of boron on our wellbeing are:</p>
<li>Supporting balanced blood sugar</li>
<li>Healthy immune responses</li>
<li>Detoxification of heavy metals</li>
<li>Supporting cellular energy processes and healthy ageing</li>
<p>To make sure that your body is getting adequate amounts of boron, make sure your diet includes plenty of vegetables, along with foods such as avocado, dried apricots, legumes, nuts and seeds, or you can simply take a quality boron supplement.</p>
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