<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Potassium Supplements & Tablets",</p>
<p>"description":"Potassium is one of the essential macro minerals needed in large quantities by the body. Potassium can help improve energy levels, balance body fluids, support heart and kidney function and more!",</p>
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<p>Potassium is one of the essential macro minerals needed in large quantities by the body. Its primary functions are the active transport of nutrients into cells, neuromuscular activity and fluid balance. Protein synthesis and energy production also rely on potassium.</p>
<p>The sodium potassium pump is the mechanism of ion exchange across the cell membrane which regulates cellular volume and moves nutrients into the cell. The action of this pump creates an electrical charge across the cell membrane which is how the body regulates transmission of impulses throughout the nervous system, and is essential for healthy muscle contraction. This makes its role in heart function important because the heart muscle needs potassium for regular and rhythmical contractions. The sodium potassium pump also regulates the balance between intracellular and extracellular fluids.</p>
<h3>Potassium Benefits</h3>
<p>Potassium can help improve energy levels, balance body fluids, remove excess sodium from the body, support heart and kidney function, optimise nerve transmission and activate cellular cleansing.</p>
<p>Its nutritive and balancing action improves cellular functioning, enhancing the functioning of and communication between tissues and organs throughout the body.</p>
<h3>Potassium Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>Safe when taken as directed. Caution advised if taking heart medications – consult your health practitioner.</p>
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