<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Rhodiola",<br />"description":"Rhodiola rosea is a plant native to the Arctic regions with a long history of use as a medicinal herb. Rhodiola is an adaptogen, alternatively stimulating and sedating as required by the body to improve and normalise function. It may strengthen immune resistance and nervous system function, enhance memory and support sexual function, athletic performance and energy levels.",</p>
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<p>Rhodiola rosea is a plant native to the Arctic regions with a long history of use as a medicinal herb. The ancient Greeks, Vikings, and Chinese emperors all prized this herb for its tonic and restorative properties. In Siberia it had a reputation for promoting longevity beyond 100 years.</p>
<p>The people of central Asia drank rhodiola tea to treat everything from colds and flu to tuberculosis and cancer. It has a strong reputation, backed by research studies, for its adaptogenic and antidepressant properties which elevate mood and vitality.</p>
<h3>Rhodiola Benefits</h3>
<p>Rhodiola is an adaptogen, alternatively stimulating and sedating as required by the body to improve and normalise function. It may strengthen immune resistance and nervous system function, enhance memory and support sexual function, athletic performance and energy levels.</p>
<p>As an adrenal agent rhodiola may be effective in managing physical or emotional stress, improving mood and mental alertness and helping reduce fatigue and depression. It may also aid weight reduction and prevent high altitude sickness.</p>
<p>As a tonic for the nervous system and endocrine system, rhodiola may help reduce anxiety and support hormonal health, increasing stamina and general wellbeing.</p>
<h3>Rhodiola Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>Safe when taken as directed. Caution if taking MAOI/SSRI antidepressant medication or stimulants. If on any medication consult your health practitioner. Rhodiola can be dosage/strength specific. Not recommended in doses exceeding 1000mg daily.</p>
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