<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Arnica Tablets, Spray & Liquid",<br />"description":"Arnica montana is a European flowering plant commonly known as Leopards Bane or Wolf’s Bane. Arnica supports the body’s natural response to shock or injury and supports the normal healing process. This category contains Homeopathic Arnica to be taken internally.",</p>
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<p>Arnica montana is a European flowering plant commonly known as Leopards Bane or Wolf’s Bane. Used as a homoeopathic preparation it can be either taken orally or applied as an ointment to provide support for normal healing, it is popular for people after physical injuries to the body. Arnica (in the 30C potency) is probably the most well-known and widely applicable <a href="">Homoeopathic</a> remedy available</p>
<h3>The Benefits of Arnica</h3>
<li>Arnica supports the body’s natural response to shock or injury and supports a healthy rejuvenation process. It supports the body’s normal response to shock and discomfort.</li>
<li>Arnica supports the body’s natural repair process for tissues and muscles, after falls, knocks and sports injuries. It’s also popular for use after exercise, and following surgery.</li>
<p>Arnica can be taken alongside a <a href="">Bach Flower Remedy</a> for extra support during a troubling event.</p>
<h3>Arnica Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>Do not apply arnica to broken skin. Homoeopathic arnica preparations are generally suitable for most people when used as directed.</p>
<p>Arnica supplements and creams are a part of the <a href="">Specialty Supplements</a> range here at HealthPost.</p>
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