<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Floradix",<br />"description":"Floradix products are functional nutritional formulas made from natural plant sources with high bioavailability of nutrients. From the Original Iron Tonic to newer formulations for supporting magnesium and the wellbeing of children, Floradix products are safe, natural, and perfect for those looking to increase their vitality naturally.",</p>
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<p>Founded in the early 20th century by Dr Otto Greither, a German doctor with an interest in nutrition and a desire to create a formula to support overall wellbeing, Floradix has been a popular tonic throughout the world for decades.</p>
<h3>The Benefits of Floradix Supplements</h3>
<p>The entire range of Floradix Supplements have been formulated to support anyone at a time in life where they need extra nutritional support. The beauty of Floradix, is that the nutrients are sourced from natural sources – which are easy on the gut and more bioavailable.</p>
<p>Floradix can be supportive:</p>
<li>During growth spurts</li>
<li>During pregnancy and breastfeeding to support healthy iron stores</li>
<li>To support a suboptimal diet, whether that is due to digestive restrictions or availability</li>
<li>During times of recovery.</li>
<h3>Floradix Original Formula</h3>
<p>Floradix Original is an iron-rich nutritional support drink, high in natural yeast and herbal concentrates. It contains vitamins B, C, rosehips, kelp, and other naturally-sourced nutrients for those seeking to support healthy energy, iron levels and overall vitality. The liquid form increases bioavailability of nutrients, and supports absorption without the need for breaking down tablets in the digestive tract. Floravital is a slightly different formula, that does not contain yeast, gluten, or honey – making it a better choice for those who need a supplement free of these ingredients.</p>
<h3>Floradix Magnesium Mineral Drink</h3>
<p>Floradix Magnesium is perfect for those wanting to increase their magnesium intake levels, from natural sources, such as chamomile, fennel, and spinach.</p>
<h3>How to take Floradix</h3>
<p>Floradix can be taken as a shot or mixed with water or juice. Floradix does need to be stored in the fridge after opening, so if you are wanting an option that is more shelf stable, and can be taken on the go, Floradix Tablets are an alternative. Just note that the liquid formula is preferable in terms of absorption.</p>
<p>Floradix supplements are a part of the <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/specialty-supplements/">Specialty Supplements</a> range here at HealthPost.</p>
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