<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Guarana",<br />"description":"Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a plant from the maple family, native to the Amazon basin and popular in Brazil as a health tonic. The fruit is of similar size to a coffee bean and contains 2-3 times the amount of caffeine.",</p>
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<p>Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a plant from the maple family, native to the Amazon basin and popular in Brazil as a health tonic. The fruit is of similar size to a coffee bean and contains 2-3 times the amount of caffeine. This accounts for guarana’s reputation as a herbal stimulant.</p>
<p>Guarana is a popular additive to energy drinks – however you can avoid the energy drink sugar crash by taking it as a supplement instead.</p>
<h3>The benefits of a Guarana supplement</h3>
<p>As a stimulant guarana is taken to support mental alertness and memory, lift mood, fight fatigue and support stamina and endurance. Best results are achieved at lower doses.</p>
<p>Studies show guarana’s appetite suppressing and fat burning properties are likely due to its caffeine content.</p>
<p>If Guarana is too stimulating for you, or you are unable to take it due to the contraindications below, have a look at one of the <a href="">Functional Mushrooms</a> or a mild <a href="">Ginseng</a>.</p>
<li>Guarana Side Effects and Contraindications No suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding</li>
<li>No suitable while taking antidepressant drugs.</li>
<li>Not suitable for people sensitive to caffeine or xanthines.</li>
<li>If you are taking any medications or have a pre-existing health condition, we recommend you consult your health professional before you start taking Guarana</li>
<p>Guarana supplements are a part of the <a href="">Specialty Supplements</a> range here at HealthPost.</p>
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