Tissue Salts
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Tissue Salts",<br />"description":"Tissue Salts (or Cell Salts) are combinations of 12 mineral salts that are the building blocks of our physical body at the cellular level. Cell salts are prepared homoeopathically and were originally developed by Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler in Germany over 140 years ago.",</p>
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<p>Dr Schuessler focussed on 12 minerals in the body and he called them tissue salts. His theory was that many health concerns could be caused by an imbalance of minerals in the cells, and so wanted to find a way to deliver minerals homoeopathically. He felt these had absorption benefits over minerals available at the time. <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/specialty-supplements/homoeopathics/">Homeopathic </a>supplements as a whole have been used for over 200 years.</p>
<p>There were originally 12 cell salts:</p>
<li>Iron Phosphate (Ferr Phos or IP)</li>
<li>Magnesium Phosphate (Mag Phos or MP)</li>
<li>Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos or PP)</li>
<li>Potassium Chloride (Kali Mur or PC)</li>
<li>Potassium Sulphate (Kali Sulph or PS)</li>
<li>Calcium Sulphate (Calc Sulph or CS)</li>
<li>Calcium Phosphate (Calc. Phos or CP)</li>
<li>Calcium Fluoride (Calc. Fluor or CP)</li>
<li>Silicea (Silica or S)</li>
<li>Sodium Phosphate (Nat Phos or SP)</li>
<li>Sodium Chloride (Nat Mur or SC)</li>
<li>Sodium Sulphate (Nat Sulph or SS)</li>
<p>Luckily, combinations have been developed to assist with various health concerns, and to help you choose which one is right for you.</p>
<h3>The Benefits of Tissue Salts and Cell Salts</h3>
<li>Natural, easy to chew and pleasant tasting</li>
<li>Suitable for the whole family, including infants and during pregnancy</li>
<li>Lactose free sprays are also available</li>
<li>Cost effective</li>
<p>To support emotional wellbeing, have a look at the homeopathic based <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/specialty-supplements/bach-flower-remedies/">Bach Flower Remedies</a></p>
<h3>How to take your Tissue Salt</h3>
<p>In general it’s best to follow each product’s instructions, however a Tissue Salt is usually a soft tablet that you can either dissolve under the tongue, chew, or dissolve in some warm water. You can also find a number of preparations that are sprays instead – these are ideal for children.</p>
<p>The ingredients are then rapidly absorbed by the mucus membranes in your mouth. This can be especially supportive during ills and chills, and seasonal health concerns affecting the upper airways.</p>
<p>Tissue Salts are a supplement that are normally taken hourly, right throughout the day for efficient support.</p>
<h3>Tissue Salts for the whole family</h3>
<p>Tissue and Cell salts do not have any side effects and can safely be used in conjunction with other medicines. They are suitable for children and during pregnancy or breastfeeding.</p>
<p>Tissue Salts are a part of the <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/specialty-supplements/">Specialty Supplements</a> range here at HealthPost.</p>
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