Ester C
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Ester C",<br />"description":"Does your immune system a helping hand? Your immune system is always working hard to protect your body and to keep it healthy. But for times when you might need extra support, vitamins including Ester C may be a good option. Ester C is formulated to allow vitamin C stay in the body longer, which may help with supporting a strong resistance to ills and chills.",</p>
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<p>If you are looking for one of the top nutrients for health, you can’t go past <a href="">vitamin C</a>. Not only is vitamin C essential for our immune health, but it is also necessary for the normal function of many other organs and tissues including to help us make collagen, needed for healthy joints and youthful skin.</p>
<p>Our bodies don’t store or make vitamin C, so we must make sure that we get enough of this amazing nutrient from our diet. Taking vitamin C as a supplement is an easy way of increasing intake when the body’s needs are higher. This is important when ills and chills are common, for good wound healing, and for many chronic health conditions, including stress. Regular alcohol consumption, smoking, and lack of raw fresh fruit and vegetables also calls for additional vitamin C.</p>
<p>Because vitamin C is water soluble, the body can’t store it in high amounts, so it needs to be replenished regularly. Ester-C is a special form of buffered vitamin C that not only is quickly absorbed, but is retained in the blood for much longer than standard vitamin C supplements. Being pH neutral, it is non-acidic and gentle on the stomach, so may be more suitable for those with a sensitive digestive system.</p>
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