Hemp Seed Oil
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Hemp Seed Oil",<br />"description":"Known as ‘Natures Perfectly Balanced Oil’, hemp seed oil has an ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 healthy fats. As a supplement hemp seed oil is taken for joint health, skin health and female hormonal balance.",</p>
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<p>Natural hemp seed oil has a vast nutrient profile. In addition to essential fatty acids (omegas 3,6 and 9) it contains trace minerals, antioxidants, Vitamin E and Carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A.</p>
<p>Hemp seeds and their oil do NOT contain the neuroactive compounds found in cannabis leaves and flowers. While hemp seeds come from the same species as cannabis, the variety is different.</p>
<p>Natural hemp seed oil is cold pressed and has a delicate nutty flavour. It’s very sensitive to heat, so is best used cold. In its liquid form, hemp seed oil is a lovely addition to salads and smoothies.</p>
<p>Certain compounds make hemp seed oil extra special as a supplement:</p>
<li>SDA (Stearadonic Acid) is an Omega-3 component that makes hemp seed oil more bioavailable than other plant omega-3 oils. It’s an excellent choice for joint health</li>
<li>GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) is a special Omega-6 component which supports female hormonal balance and skin health</li>
<p>Hemp seed oil is produced sustainably. It requires very little water and is often grown without the need for herbicides and pesticides as it is resistant to many pests. For these reasons, organic hemp seed oil is an easily found, planet friendly option.</p>
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